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Call for contributions
Workshop “Opening up the collection – reuse
and publishing” – Pre-Conference Day, 07. June 2015 of the ELPUB Conference 2016 from June 7 to 9 in Göttingen (Germany):
The LIBER-Working-Group „Digital Collections“[1],
the DFG-Project “Future Publications in the Humanities”[2] and DARIAH-EU[3] are running the above workshop immediately prior to the ELPUB Conference 2016[4].
Collections remain important sources for scientific
interaction, whether users come from Digital Humanities based in academia or beyond the campus, are interested in knowledge extraction such as text and data mining or research touching on history or cultural heritage questions. Such collections differ in size
or depth and are usually curated in libraries, archives or museums. The objects come from the realm of cultural heritage (images, texts, artefacts etc.) as well as cultural records such as mass media objects or scholarly publications. More and more of these
collections are being opened up digitally, either by digital indexing, through digitisation, or since the objects and records are themselves born-digital. Opening up these collections specifically for scientific use allows new forms of dissemination and publishing
in new digital contexts. To enable these processes and thus realising the full potential of collections we see five fields that are ripe for for further discussion
(a) standards, object definition and data modelling,
(b) ownership and responsibility over time,
(c) presentation and access,
(d) enriching collections with user-generated
content and finally
(e) publishing formats and publishing entities.
The workshop will be run using an interactive
format bringing together collection and archive experts, citizen scientists, Digital Humanities practitioners, researchers and publishers, to discuss the organisational, socio-economic and technical aspects of new reuse scenarios for the dissemination and
publication of complex digital collections.
We cordially invite you to contribute to the workshop with talks of 10-15 minutes addressing the five aspects above, either as state-of-the-art talks, or with best practice examples, (difficult) lessons learned and processes you aim to start in your institution. Contributions will be reviewed and published Open Access. Please hand in plain text of 3,500 to max. 6,000 signs including blanks and send it to bargheer[at]sub.uni-goettingen.de by 15th Feb 2016. [1] http://libereurope.eu/committees/reshaping/working-group-on-digital-collections/ [2] https://www.ub.hu-berlin.de/de/ueber-uns/projekte/fu-push-1/ [3] https://www.dariah.eu/ [4] http://meetings.copernicus.org/elpub2016/ Margo Bargheer
Leitung Elektronisches Publizieren ǀ Head of Electronic Publishing ---------------------------- Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen State and University Library Goettingen tel +49 (0)551 39-91188 ǀ fax +49 (0)551 39-22457 bargheer@sub.uni-goettingen.de www.sub.uni-goettingen.de ---------------------------- Universitätsverlag Göttingen ǀ University Press Goettingen * univerlag.uni-goettingen.de Elektronische Dissertationen ǀ Electronic Dissertations * sub.uni-goettingen.de/elektronisches-publizieren/ Institutional Repository * goedoc.uni-goettingen.de/goescholar/ ---------------------------- Open Access * www.open-access.net * www.openaire.eu |