<Sorry of the cross posting> Please join us in the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal for an exciting program featuring dynamic speakers from around the world, Connecting Research Results, Bridging
Communities Opening Scholarship on April 15 & 16, 2015. Keynote speakers are
John Wilbanks, Chief Commons Officer, Sage Bionetworks and Dominique Babini, Coordinator of Open Access Projects, CLACSO Sessions will be a mixture of thought provoking presentations and discussion about the future of scholarly communication and the role of libraries
in this future. The evolving policy environment for data and publications — Measuring the real value of research outputs — How we can align ourselves globally? — New organizational models for managing
research data. The full program is available here: http://www.sparc.arl.org/events/joint-coar-sparc-conference
and https://www.coar-repositories.org/community/events/annual-meeting-2015/
Early bird rates are 55,50€ (Euros) for COAR/SPARC members and 105,50€ (Euros) for non-members. Early bird rates end on Friday March 13, 2015. For more information, please visit the SPARC or COAR websites. *** Katharina Mueller Head of Office Confederation of Open Access Repositories - COAR e.V. at Goettingen State and University Library Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1 D-37073 Goettingen Germany phone: +49 (0)551- 39 5242 |