** Apologies for cross posting ** The Public Knowledge Project is pleased to issue this Call for Proposals for the PKP 2017 International Scholarly Publishing Conference to be held in Montreal, Quebec on August 2, 3, and 4, 2017. The conference will be co-hosted by our friends at Érudit, and will take place at the Université de Montréal. Montreal is Canada’s second largest city and has a major international airport making travel easy from most locations. This year’s theme is Reclaiming Scholarship: Voice, Rights, Ownership. The conference will address issues of community voice, ownership, and control as it relates to open access publishing, global knowledge creation and sharing, open educational resources, citizen rights, scholars as publishers, and open source technologies. It will explore the power of community-based approaches and invites critiques of the pervasiveness of commercial publishing models (including APCs to fund open access), closed third-party systems and software, corporate concentration of scholarly publishing services, and the general ephemerality of the Web in the academic sphere. The program will consist of a mixture of invited presentations, panel discussions, brief “lightning talks”, a 2-day development sprint, and workshops. Proposals that address one or more of the following topics are especially encouraged:
Submissions The conference organizing team invites proposals for “lightning talks”, limited to 5 minutes each (with strict timing!). Please submit an abstract of max 250 words and a presentation title, along with a brief biographical statement, and your contact information. Deadline for proposals: March 15st, 2017 Conference website: http://pkp.sfu.ca/pkp2017 If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Stranack at kstranac@sfu.ca |