Liebe Kolleg*innen, ich möchte sie/euch auf folgenden Call aufmerksam machen: Call for Members – OPERAS Scientific Advisory Committee OPERAS is a dynamic and community driven Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities (SSH) in the European Research Area. Its mission is to coordinate and federate resources in Europe
to efficiently address the scholarly communication needs of European researchers. OPERAS’ vision is to make Open Science a reality for research and to achieve a scholarly communication system where knowledge produced in the SSH benefits researchers, academics,
and students fully and widely, and where it also benefits the whole society across Europe and worldwide, without barriers. OPERAS is the leading European infrastructure for scholarly communication in SSH and brings together partners from various European countries to strengthen the infrastructure for open scholarly communication and to support research in the
Humanities and Social Sciences. OPERAS aims to coordinate efforts, align services, promote standards, and develop new, shared services for researchers, libraries and open access publishers. The OPERAS RI (AISBL) establishes a new governance system. It is driven by an Executive Assembly composed of 10 members and managed by a General Assembly. To support the Executive Assembly by taking decisions we are seeking for international
experts to give advice on OPERAS scientific activities, priorities, and services.
The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) will be an independent body, composed by 5 to 10 experts, providing advice and recommendations to the Executive Assembly on the ethical, scientific and technical current and future projects as well
as OPERAS activities. For instance, OPERAS SAC will contribute in defining the scientific, technical, and ethical criteria for our discovery platform and is invited to give advice to specific issues related to resources harvesting and content providers and
to shape the path of the infrastructures future. Be part of a dynamic, multidisciplinary and international network shaping the research publication structure of tomorrow! Help us to learn more about the SSH researchers needs and aims and help us to open the doors for Open Science for
SSH in Europe and worldwide. For the Scientific Advisory Committee OPERAS searches for researchers, publishers, librarians, engineers that are experts in one or more of the following topics: Social Sciences and Humanities, Scholarly Communication, Open Science, Digital
infrastructures. The experts will have an international or national reputation and therefore significant experience or interest in the domain covered by OPERAS AISBL. Application is open to early-career as well as to senior professionals and researchers. A
gender balance will be sought in the selection of the candidates. OPERAS offers: ·
diverse, ambitious, and interesting tasks and topics in exchange with European and international experts ·
pleasant discussion and decision within a cooperative atmosphere ·
the possibility to shape the future of Open Science for SSH in Europe Travelling costs to meetings will be covered by OPERAS. Interested international experts are invited to send to Pierre Mounier ( and Suzanne Dumouchel (
a CV and a cover letter to express their motivation and skills. Members will be appointed for a period of four years, renewable once.
Deadline for submission: 25th of June 2020. List of interesting expertise for OPERAS SAC: ·
open scholarly communication in SSH ·
digital humanities ·
open access to research outputs ·
open science ·
academic publishing ·
virtual research infrastructures ·
open humanitie ·
citizen science Procedure for the composition of OPERAS SAC: 01/06: CfP published 01/06–25/06: CfP open 25/06–15/07: selection A selection committee will be composed by members of the EA, supported by a member of the coordination team. The selection committee is responsible for ranking of the top ten candidates. Mit lieben Grüßen, Andreas (Andi) Ferus _______________________________________ ]a[ akademie der bildenden künste wien |
]a[ academy of fine arts vienna Mag. Andreas Ferus, MSc Interimistischer Leiter | Interim Head Universitätsbibliothek | Library AG Open Access | Team Open Access AG Datenschutz | Team Data Protection Augasse 2-6 | A-1090 Wien WÄHREND COVID-19 SCHUTZPHASE DIGITAL ERREICHBAR T +43 1 588 16 - 2314 | F +43 1 588 16 - 2399 ORCID: |