Dear colleagues, please find below the news announcing the first e-lecture on the topic of climate change and climate justice. We hope this might be a useful tool for your lectures and the like. Best, GK --- Dr. Götz Ferdinand Kaufmann Lecturer at the chair for comparative politics and international development studies Philipps-Universität Marburg Office: 03E04 Internal Tel – 24467 Upcoming teaching subjects: : "Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility - at the edge between social responsibility and corporate responsiveness" and “Sustainability, development, and the social question. From a critique on political ecology to Environmental Justice” PhD Title: Environmental Justice and Sustainable Development. With a case study in Brazil's Legal Amazon using Q Methodology (2012); available on:,, and Von: [] E-lecture on climate justice By Imeh Ituen & Götz Kaufmann, 2017-05-05 The Environmental Justice Institute has produced a learning video, a so called e-lecture, as contribution to the global production of knowledge on the topic of climate justice. The idea was to provide a brief and cosistent overview of recent facts on the topic of climate change and to stress the necessity to naturally link climate change discourses to th social question. The video aims furthermore to assist lecturers of classes dealing with climate change. The video might be a useful tool to introduce into the new topic by means of new media. E-Lecture "From Climate Change to Climate Justice" by Imeh Ituen Aired May 4, 2017