Dear colleagues and friends, together with Florian Cord of the TU Dresden I serve as the editor of two consecutive special issues of the open-access journal "Coils of the Serpent" dedicated to Gilles Deleuze’s essay "Postscript on Control Societies," which was first published in 1990. The first one of the two issues (entitled "Control Societies I: Media, Culture, Technology") has now been released and can be accessed on the journal’s website: The articles collected here take Deleuze's late essay as a starting point and address subjects as diverse as control and cybernetics, media regimes and technology, racializing and gendering assemblages, digital capitalism and the digital image, and the notion of 'dividuality.' The contributors are as follows: Ian Buchanan, Florian Cord, Andrew Culp, Shane Denson, Sabine Hark, Bernd Herzogenrath, Elisa Linseisen, Michaela Ott, Dominic Pettman, Tanja Prokić, Gerald Raunig, Christina Rogers, David Savat, Simon Schleusener, Jens Schröter, and Daniela Voss. The other half of the essays will appear shortly under the title "Control Societies II: Philosophy, Politics, Economy." Kind regards, Simon Schleusener -- Culture Department John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universitaet Berlin Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin Phone +49 30 838 54240; FAX +49 30 838 454240 Phone hours: Mon-Fri 9 a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m.