Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to invite you to an upcoming event organized through the Critical Whiteness group in the Culture Department, "Holler if you hear me: Hip Hop as Subjugated Knowledge," which will take place via webex on June 28th at 6pm. Please feel free to forward the announcement to those you think may be interested. I hope to "see" many of you there. If you are interested in attending as a panelist, meaning you wish to be visible and able to communicate with us live during the discussion, please contact me at or Clauda Taylor at Until then, best wishes on the week and enjoy the lovely weather. Sincerely, Michael Thomas -- Culture Department John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universitaet Berlin Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin Phone +49 30 838 54240; FAX +49 30 838 454240