Dear students, colleagues, and friends of the JFKI,
We would like to cordially invite you to our next talk of this semester's Ringvorlesung:
Katharina Vester (American University): Epic Meal Times--Gender in the YouTube Kitchen
Monday, December 5, 2022 at 4pm (c.t.), Hörsaal -1.2009 (Fabeckstr. 23/25)
Or online via Cisco WebEx Meetings::
Additionally, we would like to remind you of the additional American Academy lecture taking place today, December 2, at 12pm:
David Treuer (University of Southern California): Imagining Native American/Indigenous Futures
(Henry-Ford-Bau, Lecture Hall D, 1st floor)
Hope to see you there!
Best, JFKI Departments of Political Science & History
Ringvorlesung program WS22 final.pdf
Description: Ringvorlesung program WS22 final.pdf