Dear all, We are very happy to welcome Prof. Michael Doyle (University of Columbia SIPA) to the John F. Kennedy Institute. He is giving a keynote in conjuncture with the GAAS PolSci Conference “Sources of Legitimacy: Rethinking US-American Democracy on
May 25th, 2023, 5-7 pm. The lecture titled "Cold Peace: Avoiding the New Cold War" is open to the public and will be held in
room 340 at the John F. Kennedy Institute. Michael Doyle is university professor at the University of Columbia (NYC), specializing in international relations theory, international security, and international organizations.
Doyle previously served as assistant secretary-general and special adviser to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan from 2001 to 2003. Doyle has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations since 1992 and
is the former chair of the Academic Council of the United Nations System. He has also been a vice president, senior fellow and a member (and chair) of the Board of Directors of the International Peace Institute between 1992 and 2018. He served as chair of
the board of the UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF) from 2006–2013. In 2015, Doyle helped develop the Model International Mobility Convention which represents a shared framework among over 40 academics.
This open lecture is also part of the combined research colloquium of the Political Science & Sociology Departments of the JFK-I. We are looking forward to seeing you there! John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Bard College Berlin and Atlantische Akademie Department of Political Science John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies Lansstr. 7-9 14195 Berlin Tel: ++49 30 838 52875 E-Mail: Internet: |
Description: Keynote_GAAS_Doyle.pdf