Hi. Those patches are not (yet ?) used in libnetmd.py, but I developed them for another project (...doing some RE on another toy from Sony). So I felt like contributing them back... Also, I am currently working on (yet another) usb toy which will most certainly use this library now it has asynchronous transfer support, so I might push some more fixes in. I don't plan making use of asynchronous API in netmd support just yet - if you want, feel free :) . Note though that I'm getting strange behaviors (...segfaults on interpreter shutdown, especially when cleanup code isn't called because an exception was thrown somewhere, reaching interpreter). Please mail me if you need any advice/help fixing those issues (I don't have enough motivation for it yet, it might come a bit later with my current project). FYI, my current project is to add linux support to a nice USB 1.1 + 2.0 protocol analyzer I bought recently ($400, which is very reasonable for a ready-to-use device, compared to market prices AFAIK). The company explicitly allowed me to reverse-engineer their software - they distribute it free (as in beer). More on their website: http://www.internationaltestinstruments.com/ They ship worldwide, and currently only have one device on their list at the moment. ...and no, I'm not paid by them ;) . Just quite exited since 2 weeks ago. -- Vincent Pelletier