Hi Thomas, On Wed, Jun 09, 2010 at 07:42:10AM +0200, Thomas Arp wrote: > Hello, > i added new features to create new directories and remove files or > directories. > This is done by implementing a context menu in the local browser. > "new folder" will open a file dialog where you can add new directories. > I decided to use QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog flag because on > windows the native dialog don´t support to rename the new folder > during creation. I've tested and reviewed your patch now. Here are my remarks: - the patch misses equivalent buttons and entries to create new/remove folder in menu- and toolbar; having these functions in the context menus only is unintuitive. I'm not even sure whether context menus make sense in this context - the context menus have written the command names in all lower case: it should read "Remove", not "remove" for example - the mechanism to create a new folder by abusing a browse directory (QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory) dialog is a very bad design; instead it should be possible to create the new folder directly in the tree view or at least a minimal requester should pop up to ask for the new folders name (creating a new folder shouldn't be rocket science ;)) - the string for this requester is chunked into several pieces: ret = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Removing file ordirectory"), tr("Are you sure you want to remove") + file + tr(" ?\n\n") + tr("Note: The file or directory will be removed finally ") + tr("and cannot be recovered"), - chunking the message text of this dialog into several pieces will make translation errorprone and cumbersome; please keep strings to be tranlated contigous whenever possible Adrian