I didn't expect replies and updates that quick thank you very much it works now :D very good job -rudolf _______________________________ Von: Michael Karcher [Michael.Karcher@fu-berlin.de] Gesendet: Sonntag, 20. Juni 2010 12:50 An: rudolf89@edumail.at Cc: linux-minidisc@lists.fu-berlin.de Betreff: Re: [linux-minidisc] netmd_dump Am Samstag, den 19.06.2010, 19:56 +0000 schrieb rudolf89@edumail.at: > I tried NetMDLinux today on my MZ-N 707 and I tried the netmd_dump script > but it does not seem to work. > netmd_list works > > I just get "Waiting for MD..." and then nothing I am sorry for the trouble you experienced. As it turns out, our synchronization code depends too much on specific unit behavior, and breaks with nearly every new model the code is tested with and needs some adjustment. In the current git repository I simplified the code and removed device-specific assumption, and expect binary packages to be available soon. Regards, Michael Karcher