Hi, On Feb 4, 2011, at 3:01 PM, Taliesin wrote: > Hi to everyone! > > I have been lost for a while due to job, but I think things are going to be quiet now (I hope :S ) > > First, Adrian: I have seen in a recent mail that Spanish translation has been updated using google translator. Please, let me know if I can do something on that, since that's my natural language. > Sure, I just some Google translations for a few words and phrases (but not full sentences) that were added to translate them. You can check and update the translations with the instructions [1] and the translation files [2]. Just download and install Qt-Linguist and you can very easily help with the translation. > Second: I have read and reread last mails,almost studying the updates logs...but I'm so much confused :s Please, could anyone tell me, in few words, which the actual state of QHiMDTransfer is? I mean, surely it's my bad understanding of English language, but After reading all these mails, I still don't know if it can do now what I want to do: transfer my atrac files from my computer to my MDs whiteout using sonicstage (converting files to atrac apart). I use attract sp and lp2 tracks for netMDs and atrac3+ 256kbps for hi-MDs, but don't know if QHiMDTransfer can do it or only let me transfer mp3 to my MDs, as it was some time ago. Of course, I could just download it and try myself, what takes me to my third question. > QHiMDTransfer currently allows transferring of MP3s (all HiMD devices) and ATRAC/PCM recordings (only those made on an MZ-RH1) to the PC. In order to enable transfers to the PC for all models for ATRAC/PCM you will need to use a version of QHiMDTransfer which includes Sony's HiMD/NetMD root keys which we aren't currently shipping due to legal reasons, this might change in the future though. Transfers to the devices are not yet working, but has been work-in-progress for several months now. I am expecting to receive a patch from the developer working on that code within the next days. With this patch it will be possible to transfer MP3 tracks to the device. ATRAC/PCM won't be possible from the beginning as these have to be encrypted and authenticated on the HiMD. We know how to do that already, though. I have set up a release schedule here [3]. > Third: where is the download link for QHiMDTransfer for Windows? I have searched it for all the web and can't find it :s I have began to think I'm turning stupid faster than previously :p > It's directly linked on the frontpage of the wiki [4]. The version for Windows is due to be updated this weekend. I am expecting a freshly build version from the developer who provides our Windows builds this weekend. > Thanks a lot to all of you. I'm sorry if a lot of my questions have been answered in previous mails, but not having full understanding of English and not knowing almost anything of programming and Linux get me absolutely lost in this area. > > Greetings from Spain. Greetings from Norway, Adrian [1] https://wiki.physik.fu-berlin.de/linux-minidisc/doku.php?id=translation [2] http://users.physik.fu-berlin.de/~glaubitz/linux-minidisc/translations/ [3] https://wiki.physik.fu-berlin.de/linux-minidisc/doku.php?id=releases [4] http://users.physik.fu-berlin.de/~glaubitz/linux-minidisc/qhimdtransfer-win.exe