Dear linux-minidisc mailing list followers, as you've might read on your favorite news website for IT news, Google is organizing another Google Summer of Code this year. For all of you who don't know what GSoC is, you might be interested to read the respective article on Wikipedia [1]. The linux-minidisc project is applying for a sponsorship for this years' GSoC like we did last year, however, we have little hope that we will be chosen as a participating project since we didn't have any luck last year. The reason is probably the lack of popularity of MiniDisc among Linux and open source software users. However, there is still a way this years' GSoC can make a contribution to the MiniDisc support on Linux. It's actually about VLC, the free and open source media player developed by the VideoLAN project [2]. VLC, through ffmpeg, currently supports playback of ATRAC-SP and ATRAC3 audio, ATRAC3+ is currently work-in-progress. The current problem with playback of ATRAC audio files in VLC is the fact, that ATRAC audio files (*.oma) can be encrypted. A well-known problem among the users of the infamous original Sony software SonicStage [3]. SonicStage stores all your audio content as encrypted *.oma files on your hard disk. These encrypted audio files can only be played back in SonicStage and only if a set of keys which SonicStage stores in it's program folder are present. These keys can very easily get lost and once they are, one usually has no means of playing back the encrypted *.oma files. The real irony about this encryption is that it is even used for your own recordings made with a MiniDisc Walkman and transferred to the computer using SonicStage. So one has to be very careful not to lose these keys. Unfortunately that happens very often to users of SonicStage, especially when they had to reinstall their Windows or bought a new computer and backed up the *.oma files only (most people don't actually know about the keys). So, after a hard disk crash or reinstallation of Windows, the *.oma files are usually lost, since they cannot be decrypted anymore. Luckily, we have recently discovered a way to decrypt all *.oma audio files with a generic key. We have a proof of concept using some commands in the Linux command shell (bash) which will eventually decrypt an encrypted *.oma file. We have shown this technique to the guys at VideoLAN and they happen to be interested in getting this code into VLC so that VLC will always be able to decrypt and playback any *.oma audio file, independent of the fact whether the keys from SonicStage were backed up and are available or not. For this reason, the VideoLAN project is now looking for an endowed student programmer who'd be willing to implement that decryption algorithm with the help of a mentor for VLC. In order to qualify as a student for Google Summer of Code, you have to be enrolled as a regular student at a university, otherwise Google will not pay you and the mentor for the project. Of course, you should have sufficient skills in C/C++ programming and also have some experience in writing code for larger projects, especially free and open source software. The reward upon completing the task for VideoLAN, thus creating a working decryptor for VLC, will be rewarded by Google with US$ 5000. If interested, drop me an email directly and I will get you into contact with the VideoLAN developers so we can discuss the details. Regards, Adrian [1] [2] [3]