In the previous update [1], I told you that I have started discussions with some journal editors in order to learn more about what an actual review quality definition might look like. What happened since? I have now seriously started to work towards a software implementation. The first step will be the (much simpler) version of RQC for conferences (RQCconf). Then I will develop that into the full version for journals (RQC proper). As a first functional part I have implemented reading a review quality definition from an RTF file, using a human-friendly format that will help discussing an emerging review quality definitions among the PC chairs (or journal editors) of one conference (journal). You can get a rough itemized look at the implementation status at [2]. And finally, as usual: Please tell me if you know anybody else who may like to be on this mailing list [3]. Lutz [1] [2] [3] (you can subscribe here)