Dear all, stage 1 of Review Quality Collector, the part for conferences, is now online. Only one additional issue came up during the alpha testing phase and has been repaired. The software appears to be working nicely. All those of you who are concerned with conferences - are still invited to play around with RQC in sandbox mode if you have not already done so; - are invited to suggest RQC to the chairs of any conference you expect to review for or submit to (or point me to them so I can do it), in particular conferences that already have a best reviewer award or are (or should be) thinking about introducing one. I will start working on the "collector" functionality for research institutions shortly and on the journal functionality after that. Thanks for your support so far! Now comes the hard part: marketing. If you want to help a bit with that: - retweet my Tweet of today (@prechelt) - forward this email to people who might be interested - suggest such people to me for this mailing list - send me _any_ feedback that comes to your mind. At least one of these four? Thank you! Lutz Prechelt