Hello Please, help me. I have problem using a external file such as lagan1.fasta (Escherichia coli) with demo program: find_exact.cpp. During the running of the program, the program no count occurrences of needle in the haystack. Could you say me how to solve this problem. Thanks. Julio /// THE CODE OF MY PROBLEM #include <iostream> #include <seqan/find.h> #include <fstream> #include <cstdio> #include <seqan/sequence.h> #include <seqan/file.h> using namespace seqan; int main() { // Open a file using a file reader string. String<char> my_haystack = String<char, FileReader<Fasta> > ("lagan1.fasta"); String<char> my_needle = "GATC"; Finder<String<char> > finder(my_haystack); Pattern<String<char>, Horspool> pattern(my_needle); // proof printing: correct printing ::std::cout << my_haystack << "\n\n\n"; ::std::cout << my_needle << "\n"; // the problem: no count the find position of my_needle within the my_haystack. // How to solve this problem? while (find(finder, pattern)) { ::std::cout << position(finder) << ","; } ::std::cout << ::std::endl; // fstrm.close(); return (0); } |