Hi, I have a question about how to extract alignment information from an Align object when doing Smith-Waterman alignment. For example, #include <iostream> #include <seqan/align.h> #include <string> using namespace seqan; int main() { Align< String<Dna> > ali; ::std::string s1 = "CGCGGGGCATATATTTTTTTA"; ::std::string s2 = "ATTTATTTTTTATATGCGGCCG"; appendValue(rows(ali), s1); appendValue(rows(ali), s2); ::std::cout << "Score = " << localAlignment(ali, Score<int>(3,-3,-2, -2), SmithWaterman()) << ::std::endl; ::std::cout << ali; ::std::cout << "Aligns Seq1[" << clippedBeginPosition(row(ali, 0)) << ":" << (clippedEndPosition(row(ali, 0))-1) << "]"; ::std::cout << " and Seq2[" << clippedBeginPosition(row(ali, 1)) << ":" << (clippedEndPosition(row(ali, 1))-1) << "]" << ::std::endl << ::std::endl; return 0; } I'd like to get the the information when I do `::std::cout << ali;` as some kind of object that I can use without parsing the output. Thanks! Best, Tianyang