Hi Sébastien,
how's it going? It seems the time has come to move RazerS 3 from my sandbox to the public trunk (seqan/extras/). :-) Right now only versions 1 and 2 are there.
The bug in the binary is strange as here everything seems to be fine:
weese@sequoia:~/sandbox/seqan-trunk/build/mak3$ valgrind ./tmp/razers3.0-beta1/linux64/razers3 --help
==3110== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==3110== Copyright (C) 2002-2011, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==3110== Using Valgrind-3.7.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==3110== Command: ./tmp/razers3.0-beta1/linux64/razers3 --help
*** RazerS - Fast Read Mapping with Sensitivity Control ***
*** (c) Copyright 2009 by David Weese ***
Usage: razers3 [OPTION]... <GENOME FILE> <READS FILE>
-h, --help displays this help message
--write-ctd exports the app's interface description to a .ctd file
-V, --version print version information
Main Options:
-f, --forward only compute forward matches
-r, --reverse only compute reverse complement matches
-i, --percent-identity NUM set the percent identity threshold (default: 92)
-rr, --recognition-rate NUM set the percent recognition rate (default: 99)
-mr, --mutation-rate NUM set the percent mutation rate (default: 5)
-pd, --param-dir DIR folder containing user-computed parameter files (optional)
-id, --indels allow indels (default: mismatches only)
-ll, --library-length NUM mate-pair library length (default: 220)
-le, --library-error NUM mate-pair library length tolerance (default: 50)
-m, --max-hits NUM output only NUM of the best hits (default: 100)
--unique output only unique best matches (-m 1 -dr 0 -pa)
-tr, --trim-reads NUM trim reads to given length (default off)
-o, --output FILE change output filename (default <READS FILE>.result)
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-vv, --vverbose very verbose mode
Output Format Options:
-a, --alignment dump the alignment for each match
-pa, --purge-ambiguous purge reads with more than max-hits best matches
-dr, --distance-range NUM only consider matches with at most NUM more errors compared to the best (default output all)
-of, --output-format NUM set output format (default: 0)
0 = Razer format
1 = enhanced Fasta format
2 = Eland format
3 = Gff format
4 = Sam format
5 = Amos AFG format
-gn, --genome-naming NUM select how genomes are named (default: 0)
0 = use Fasta id
1 = enumerate beginning with 1
-rn, --read-naming NUM select how reads are named (default: 0)
0 = use Fasta id
1 = enumerate beginning with 1
2 = use the read sequence (only for short reads!)
3 = use the Fasta id, do NOT append '/L' or '/R' for mate pairs
--full-readid use the whole read id (don't clip after whitespace)
-so, --sort-order NUM select how matches are sorted (default: 0)
0 = 1. read number, 2. genome position
1 = 1. genome position, 2. read number
-pf, --position-format NUM select begin/end position numbering (default: 0)
0 = gap space
1 = position space
-ga, --global-alignment compute global alignment (in SAM output) (default: 0)
Misc Options:
-cm, --compact-mult NUM multiply compaction treshold by this value after reaching and compacting (default: 2.2)
-ncf, --no-compact-frac NUM don't compact if in this last fraction of genome (default: 0.05)
Filtration Options:
-s, --shape BITSTRING set k-mer shape (default: 11111111111)
-t, --threshold NUM set minimum k-mer threshold (0=pigeonhole principle) (default: 1)
-ol, --overlap-length NUM set the overlap length of adjacent q-grams (pigeonhole mode) (default: 0)
-oc, --overabundance-cut NUM set k-mer overabundance cut ratio (default: 1)
-rl, --repeat-length NUM set simple-repeat length threshold (default: 1000)
-tl, --taboo-length NUM set taboo length (default: 1)
-lf, --load-factor NUM set the load factor for the open addressing q-gram index (default: 1.6)
Verification Options:
-mN, --match-N 'N' matches with all other characters
-ed, --error-distr FILE write error distribution to FILE
-mf, --mismatch-file FILE write mismatch patterns to FILE
Parallelism Options:
-tc, --thread-count NUM Set the number of threads to use (0 to force sequential mode). (default: 1)
-pws, --parallel-window-size NUM Collect SWIFT hits in windows of this length. (default: 500000)
-pvs, --parallel-verification-size NUM Verify SWIFT hits in packages of this size. (default: 100)
-pvmpc, --parallel-verification-max-package-count NUM Largest number of packages to create for verification per thread-1, go over package size if this limit is reached.. (default: 100)
-amms, --available-matches-memory-size NUM Bytes of main memory available for storing matches. Used to switch to external sorting. -1 for always external, 0 for never, other value
as threshold. (default: 0)
-mhst, --match-histo-start-threshold NUM When to start histogram. (default: 5)
==3110== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3110== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3110== total heap usage: 1,826 allocs, 1,826 frees, 235,933 bytes allocated
==3110== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==3110== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3110== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 4 from 4)
I will come back to you later after I move it.
-- David Weese weese@inf.fu-berlin.de Freie Universität Berlin http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/ Institut für Informatik Phone: +49 30 838 75137 Takustraße 9 Algorithmic Bioinformatics 14195 Berlin Room 020 Am 17.08.2012 um 17:32 schrieb Sébastien Boisvert <sebastien.boisvert.3@ulaval.ca>:
Hello David and others, |