Hi,I have just checked out the seqan svn to a fresh repository and see the following message:
-- Configuring docs **************************************************************************** /!\ NOTICE: YOU HAVE USED THE THE OLD SEQAN BUILD SYSTEMS FUNCTIONS /!\ *
*************************************************************************** For now, we still support the old build system such that you can migrate to the new system on a slower upgrade path. However, please do so in the near future since support for the new build system will stop before the next (1.4) release in early 2013. **************************************************************************** /!\ NOTICE: YOU HAVE USED THE THE OLD SEQAN BUILD SYSTEMS FUNCTIONS /!\*
*************************************************************************** -- Configuring done Is this normal?Also, I found an e-mail that explains a bit that there is a new system with a link to a description on what the new system does... It would helpful though to have a document on how to migrate from one to the other... I guess this might be too obvious to be mentioned, but then again...
Thanks a lot for the clarifications... Best, Bernd