Hi,I am using the sam/bam packages to read and write sam/bam files and I noticed that a value for the mapping quality (column 5) has been changed from 255 to 0...
Is this possible? I am using the BamIOContext as in the following example: template<typename TStream, typename TFormat> int writeOutRecordSet(TStream &fp, StringSet<BamAlignmentRecord> recSet,BamIOContext<StringSet<CharString> > & context, TFormat const & tag,
ROI & roi) { unsigned maxC = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(roi.count); i++) { if (maxC < roi.count[i]) maxC = roi.count[i]; } roi.countMax = maxC; for (unsigned i = 0; i < length(recSet); i++) { BamTagsDict tagDict(recSet[i].tags); setTagValue(tagDict, "rl", roi.len); setTagValue(tagDict, "ri", roi.min); setTagValue(tagDict, "rx", roi.max); setTagValue(tagDict, "ry", maxC); setTagValue(tagDict, "rn", length(recSet), 'i'); write2(fp, recSet[i], context, tag); } return maxC; } What do I have to do to keep the value? Thanks a lot for your kind support. Best, Bernd