I just got a set of FASTQ test files from Illumina BaseSpace and
SeqAn is barfing on them reporting INVALID_FORMAT. s_G1_L001_I1_001.fastq.1, s_G1_L001_I1_002.fastq.1, s_G1_L001_R1_001.fastq.1, s_G1_L001_R1_002.fastq.1, s_G1_L001_R2_001.fastq.1, s_G1_L001_R2_002.fastq.1 Here is a quick snippet of the first file @:89:A0172:1:1:12008:1323 1:N:0:1 TTAGGC + ;B@FFF @:89:A0172:1:1:15627:1329 1:N:0:1 TTAGGC + @CCFFF @:89:A0172:1:1:19263:1331 1:N:0:1 TTAGGC + @@CDDF @:89:A0172:1:1:24249:1331 1:N:0:1 TTAGGC + BCCFFF @:89:A0172:1:1:15721:1332 1:N:0:1 TTAGGC + <@<DAD @:89:A0172:1:1:15433:1333 1:N:0:1 TTAGGC Would it be possible to include a couple of very short test files in the SeqAn src tree, say under seqan/data, that do pass successfully through readRecord() so that software development can continue while I/O issues are sorted out? Would also be nice to know why these Illumina BaseSpace files don't pass. |