Dear SeqAn developers, I'm currently working with SeqAn to read and compare alignments of NGS reads against reference sequences. I found that the FragmentStore was a nice way to get what I need without too much code, which is what we're looking for in a library ;-) However, depending on the aligner or the type of reads, I usually get a SAM with a large portion of soft-clipped alignments (especially with 454 reads), with CIGAR like this: 2S165M1D251M. And it seems that the FragmentStore is not able to handle soft-clipping in a SAM file... Am I wrong ? As shown in "", I would have expected to get a readGaps object already clipped according to the CIGAR in the SAM file. This should be possible using the setClippedBeginPosition() function of the Gaps class. I was thinking about doing it manually once I had the readGaps object, but I couldn't find the CIGAR anywhere in the FragmentStore. Therefore, I'm stuck with read sequences incorrectly gapped because the alignment start position was not shifted. Is there a way to go around the problem and still get a readGaps object soft-clipped as it should or do I need to give up using the FragmentStore ? Thank you in advance for any idea. Best regards. Pierre Pericard -- Pierre Pericard PhD Student in Bioinformatics Université Lille 1 BONSAI Team Tel: +33 (0)3 28 77 85 60 LIFL, Bat M3 Cité scientifique 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex FRANCE |