Subject: [Seqan-dev] using ConcurrentQueue for function return
hello, i'm fadhlan.
i need help about using ConcurrentQueue for return function. because using appendValue(target, value) is not thread safe in seqan 1.4.2 and 2.0.0, i'm using appendValue(queue, value) for parallel.
the problem is
1. i cant send the value ex:"ACGT", instead i just can send ex:1, 1 in here is like a position ACGT is.
2. i creating a function about it, so the return is a list of sequence, but using queue i just return the position of the sequence, but i cant return it.
the question is
1. can i send value ex:"ACGT" to queue?
2. can i return it if i using a function (ex: ConcurrentQueue<unsigned> spectrum()) ?