Von: Jonas Prien <j.prien@drjug.org> Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, angefügt an diese Mail finden Sie den Bewerbungsaufruf zum "Kant Youth Congress 2024". Es würde uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie den Aufruf über Ihre Kanäle teilen und an Interessierte weiterleiten. Das Forum findet im Mai in Polen (Olsztyn und Gdansk) statt und richtet sich an Studierende aus Deutschland, Russland, Polen und Litauen im Alter zwischen 18 und 28 Jahren. Es handelt sich dabei um ein interdisziplinäres Format, wobei keine philosophischen oder Kant-spezifischen Kenntnisse benötigt werden. Das Forum wird vom Auswärtigen Amt gefördert. Vielen herzlichen Dank! Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jonas Prien _____________________ Vorsitzender, DRJUG e.V. Call for Applications: Kant Youth Congress – Multinational Youth Forum In the year of Immanuel Kant's 300th birthday, students and young professionals (18–28 years) from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, and Russia (in exile) are invited to participate in the Kant Youth Congress. The event will take place from May 19th until May 25th in Olsztyn in Poland, with an introduction in Gdańsk. Immanuel Kant, born in Königsberg (now Kaliningrad, Russia) on April 22nd, 1724, was not only a pioneer of the Enlightenment, but also a trailblazer for modern philosophy. He revolutionized philosophy, but also significantly shaped our understanding of ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics. His contributions are still highly relevant today. His ground-breaking works, such as "Critique of Pure Reason" and “Perpetual Peace” are just two examples of how they shaped the philosophical landscape of Europe. The concept of the forum is to bring together young people from Germany, Poland, Russia (in exile), and Lithuania to exchange experiences and opinions on human rights, international cooperation, civil society, and the role of women. The Youth Congress will be held in English. Are you eager to contribute to the fruitful and constructive discussions based on the philosophical work of Immanuel Kant? Are you willing to debate and exchange your knowledge and experience with our experts and participants? Then take the chance to apply! The congress covers travel costs, food, and accommodation and is sponsored by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You can submit your applications until April 7, 2024, at 11.59 pm CET. A Project of: Friends of Kant and Warmian-Masurian DRJUG e. V. Königsberg e.V. Voivodeship |
Kant_Forum_Call for Applications.pdf
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