Dear All, You can now access the full texts of our new FQS issue at Although in the beginning we had decided to publish a maximum of three issues per year, due to an overwhelming response of reviews we opted for an additional issue: All in all, the "Special Issue: FQS Reviews II" contains more than 50 review notes and review essays about "Methodology and Methods," "Body / Culture / Identity," and "Online-Research / New Media." According to our editorial policies we feel the reviews should provide: 1. an adequate description of contents to give our readers an initial overview and an idea of the purpose of the respective publication; 2. an evaluation, which includes the discussion whether this purpose had been fulfilled or not, and 3. a contextualization, i.e., to introduce the respective research field to which the book/media unit belongs. We hope that this new issue satisfies our policies and that there are some articles, interesting for you! In addition to the contributions mentioned below belonging to FQS 3(4), this newsletter also contains - information about a new text, belonging to FQS 4(1) (pre-published) - requests from our readers - information about conferences and workshops Enjoy reading, and as always, any suggestions and feedback are warmly welcome! Katja Mruck FQS Editor *********************************************************************** A) FQS 3(4) SPECIAL ISSUE: FQS REVIEWS II Eds.: Guenter Mey & Kip Jones F=Full text, A=Abstract E=English, G=German, S=Spanish Guenter Mey: Editorial Note: Standards, Expectations, and Potentials of On-line Reviews. Using the Special Issue: FQS Reviews II to Provide Some Considerations and an Invitation to Share in Further Discussions (FG, AE) Kip Jones: Editorial Note: Tense, Tension and Time: Musings From a Copy Editor (English) in the Long Now (FE) 1. METHODOLOGY AND METHODS Claudia L. Moreno (USA): Review Note, Michael V. Angrosino (1998). Opportunity House: Ethnographic Stories of Mental Retardation (FE, AG, AS) Charles Lee Cole (USA): Rapid Assessment Process in Qualitative Inquiry. Review Essay, James Beebe (2001). Rapid Assessment Process: An Introduction (FE, AG, AS) Gerold Scholz (Germany): Attempting to Integrate Research on Childhood and Biographical Research. Review Essay, Imbke Behnken & Juergen Zinnecker (Eds.) (2001). Kinder - Kindheit - Lebensgeschichte. Ein Handbuch [Children-Childhood-Biography: A Handbook] (FG, AE, AS) Jacqueline M. Barnett (USA): Review Note, Michael Bloor, Jane Frankland, Michelle Thomas & Kate Robson (2001). Focus Groups in Social Research (FE, AG) Mike Wrigley (UK): Review Note, Prue Chamberlayne, Joanna Bornat & Tom Wengraf (Eds.) (2000). The Turn to Biographical Methods in Social Science: Comparative Issues and Examples (FE, AG) John E. Glass (USA): Review Note, David Coghlan & Teresa Brannick (2001). Doing Action Research in Your Own Organization (FE, AG) Jacqueline M. Barnett (USA): Review Note, Benjamin Crabtree & William Miller (Eds.) (1999). Doing Qualitative Research (2nd edition) (FE, AG, AS) Mary Gergen (USA): Review Note, Norman K. Denzin & Yvonna S. Lincoln (Eds.) (2002). The Qualitative Inquiry Reader (FE, AG) Joerg Frommer & David Rennie (Eds.) (2001). Qualitative Psychotherapy Research: Methods and Methodology - Michael B. Buchholz (Germany): Review Note (FE) - John Cromby (UK): Review Note (FE, AG, AS) Andreas Klaerner (Germany): Review Note, Roland Girtler (2002). Methoden der Feldforschung [Field Research Methods] (FG, AE, AS) Robert B. Faux (USA): Introducing Students to the Tools of Psychological Research. Review Essay, Nicky Hayes (2000). Doing Psychological Research: Gathering and Analyzing Data (FE, AG, AS) Bernt Schnettler (Germany): Social Constructivism, Hermeneutics, and the Sociology of Knowledge. Review Essay, Ronald Hitzler, Jo Reichertz & Norbert Schroeer (Eds.) (1999). Hermeneutische Wissenssoziologie. Standpunkte zur Theorie der Interpretation [Hermeneutic Sociology of Knowledge. Aspects of a Theory of Interpretation] (FG, FE, FS) César A. Cisneros Puebla (Canada/Mexico): Review Note, Adrian Holliday (2001). Doing and Writing Qualitative Research (FE, AG, AS) David Aldridge (Germany): Review Note, Michael Huberman & Matthew B. Miles (Eds.) (2002). The Qualitative Researcher's Companion (FE, AG) Zdenek Konopásek (Ed.) (2000). Our Lives as Database: Doing A Sociology of Ourselves (Czech Social Transitions in Autobiographical Dialogues) - Carl Ratner (USA): Review Note (FE, AG, AS) - Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Auto/Biography as Method: Dialectical Sociology of Everyday Life, Review Essay (FE, AG, AS) Anke Spies (Germany): Sum and Desiderata of Biographical Research in the Science of Education. Review Essay: Heinz-Hermann Krueger & Winfried Marotzki (Eds.) (1999). Handbuch erziehungswissenschaftliche Biographieforschung [Handbook of Biographical Research in the Science of Education] (FG, AE) Jeffrey K. Lange (USA): Review Note, Richard A. Krueger & Mary Anne Casey (2000). Focus Groups. A Practical Guide for Applied Research (3rd edition) (FE, AG) Nancy Shore (USA): Review Note, Marlene de Laine (2000). Fieldwork, Participation and Practice: Ethics and Dilemmas in Qualitative Research (FE, AG) Anja Fiedler (Germany): Understanding Collectivity in a Collective Way--The Group Discussion Method in Discussion. Review Essay, Peter Loos & Burkhard Schaeffer (2001). Das Gruppendiskussionsverfahren. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Anwendung [The Method of Group Discussion. Theoretical Basics and Empirical Application] (FG, AE, AS) Orlando Villella (USA): Review Note, Hy Mariampolski (2001). Qualitative Market Research: A Comprehensive Guide (FE, AG, AS) Donna W. Bailey (USA): Review Note, Janice M. Morse, Janice M. Swanson & Anton J. Kuzel (Eds.) (2001). The Nature of Qualitative Evidence (FE, AG, AS) Maximilian C. Forte (Trinidad & Tobago): Is it Real? Problems and Prospects of Research in "the Real World". Review Essay, Colin Robson (2002). Real World Research. A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers (2nd edition) (FE, AG) Marilyn Lichtman (USA): Review Note, Gillian Rose (2001). Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials (FE, AG) Mark A. Earley (USA): Encouraging Students to Think About Research as a Process. Review Essay, David de Vaus (2001). Research Design in Social Research (FE, AG, AS) Tom Wengraf (2001). Qualitative Research Interviewing: Biographic Narrative and Semi-Structured Method - Devorah Kalekin-Fishman (Israel): Looking at Interviewing: From "Just Talk" to Meticulous Method, Review Essay (FE, AG) - Mike Wrigley (UK): Review Note (FE, AG, AS) Siegfried Lamnek (Germany): Integration of Research Methods--The Example of Life-Course and Biographical Research. Collective Review: - Reinhold Sackmann & Matthias Wingens (Eds.) (2001). Strukturen des Lebenslaufs. Uebergang - Sequenz - Verlauf [Structures of the Life Course. Transition-Sequence--Trajectory] - Lutz Leisering, Rainer Mueller & Karl F. Schumann (Eds.) (2001). Institutionen und Lebenslaeufe im Wandel. Institutionelle Regulierungen von Lebenslaeufen [Institutions and the Life Course in Flux. The Institutional Regulations of the Life Course] - Claudia Born & Helga Krueger (Eds.) (2001). Individualisierung und Verflechtung. Geschlecht und Generation im Lebenslaufregime [Individualisation and Interdependencies. Gender and Generation in the German Life-Course Regime] - Susann Kluge & Udo Kelle (Eds.) (2001). Methodeninnovation in der Lebenslaufforschung. Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Verfahren in der Lebenslauf- und Biographieforschung [Methodological Innovation in Life-Course Research. The Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Life-Course and Biographical Research] (FG, AE, AS) 2. BODY / CULTURE / IDENTITY Katja Koch (Germany): Review Note, Anne Huber (2001). Berufserfolg als individuelles Projekt [Occupational Career as a Self-dependent Strategy] (FG, AE) Christoph Koeck (Ed.) (2001). Reisebilder. Produktion und Reproduktion touristischer Wahrnehmung [Travel Pictures. Production and Reproduction of Travel Perceptions] - Karl Kollmann (Austria): Review Note (FG, AE, AS) - Klaus Schriewer (Germany): Review Note (FG, AE, AS) - Helga Maria Wolf (Austria): Review Note (FG, AE) Katharina Gajdukowa (Germany): Change of Paradigms in the Research of Social Movements. Review Essay, Ingrid Miethe & Silke Roth (Eds.) (2000). Politische Biografien und sozialer Wandel [Political Biographies and Social Change] (FG, AE) Guenter Mey (Germany): Review Note, Osnabruecker Beitraege zur Sprachtheorie - Heft 62: Sprechalter (March 2001) [Osnabrueck Contributions to Language Theory--Special Issue No. 62: Speech Age"]. Edited by Svenja Sachweh & Joachim Gessinger (FG, AE) Graciela Cortes Camarillo (Mexico): Review Note, Chris Searle (1998). None but Our Words: Critical Literacy in Classroom and Community (FE, FS, AG) Sarah Redshaw (Australia): Review Note, Lisa Tillmann-Healy (2001). Between Gay and Straight: Understanding Friendship Across Sexual Orientation (FE, AG) Helmut Bremer (Germany): Review Note, Anja Weiss (2001). Rassismus wider Willen. Ein anderer Blick auf eine Struktur sozialer Ungleichheit [Racism against Intention. A Different View on a Structure of Social Inequality] (FG, AE, AS) Werner Vogd (Germany): Review Note, Rainer Wettreck (1998). "Arzt sein - Mensch bleiben": Eine Qualitative Psychologie des Handelns und Erlebens in der modernen Medizin ["Being a Doctor--staying Human": A Qualitative Psychology of Acting and Experiencing in Modern Medicine] (FG, AE) 3. ONLINE-RESEARCH / NEW MEDIA Christian Carls (Germany): Review Note, Willfried Althoff (2000). Lost in Cyberspace? Moeglichkeiten Sozialer Arbeit mit dem Internet [Possibilities of Doing Social Work with the Internet] (FG, AE, AS) Heike Schaumburg (Germany): Review Note, Stefan von Aufschnaiter & Manuela Welzel (Eds.) (2001). Nutzung von Videodaten zur Untersuchung von Lehr-Lernprozessen. Aktuelle Methoden empirischer paedagogischer Forschung [Use of Video Data to Examine Teaching and Learning Processes. New Methods in Empirical Educational Research] (FG, AE) Gerald Kral (Austria): Review Note, Klaus Boehnke & Nicola Doering (Eds.) (2001). Neue Medien im Alltag: Die Vielfalt individueller Nutzungsweisen [New Media in Everyday Life: The Variety of Individual Use] (FG, AE) Achim Seiffarth (Italy): Media, Black on White. Collective Review: - Heinz Bonfadelli (1999). Medienwirkungsforschung I: Grundlagen und theoretische Perspektiven [The Effects of Mass Media I: Foundations and Theoretical Perspectives] - Heinz Bonfadelli (2000). Medienwirkungsforschung II: Anwendungen in Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur [The Effects of Mass Media II: Applications in Politics, Economics, and Culture] (FG, AE, AS) Martin Welker (Germany): Review Note, Stefan Frerichs (2000). Bausteine einer systemischen Nachrichtentheorie. Konstruktives Chaos und chaotische Konstruktionen [Elements of a Systemic News-Theory. Constructive Chaos and Chaotic Constructions] (FG, AE) Martin Wysterski (Germany): Review Note, Matthias Postel (2001). Internet und Fernsehen - Vom asynchronen zum synchronen Content bei Live-Events [Internet and Television--From Asynchronous to Synchronous Content in Live Televised Events] (FG, AE) Michèle Morner (Germany): Review Note, Christian Stegbauer (2001). Grenzen virtueller Gemeinschaft - Strukturen internetbasierter Kommunikationsforen [Boundaries of Virtual Communities-Structures of Internet-based Communication Fora] (FG, AE) Jan Schmidt (Germany): New Information and Communication Technologies and their Effect on Space. Review Essay, Gernot Wersig (2000). Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Eine Einfuehrung in Geschichte, Grundlagen und Zusammenhaenge [Information and Communication Technologies. An Introduction to History, Basics and Connections] (FG, AE, AS) B) PRE-PUBLISHED, FQS 4(1) Zenobia Chan & Joyce Ma (Hong Kong): Anorexic Body: A Qualitative Study (FE), C) READERS´ REQUESTS Support quantitative and qualitative research "On-line qualitative research", in particularly on-line focus groups What kind of statistical data analysis should I use D) CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS: The 2nd Tampere Conference on Narrative, "Narrative, Ideology, and Myth," will be held in Tampere, Finland, from June 26-28th, 2003. Information about the conference The 2003 AQR Conference "Qualitative Research: Creating Spaces for Understanding" will be held in Sydney, Australia, from 16-20th July, 2003. Information about the conference The International Conference of Critical Psychology "Contesting conflict, challenging consensus" takes place in Bath, England, from 27-31th of August, 2003. Information about the conference Paper sessions, organized by the ESA Research Network "Biographical Perspectives on European Societies", will take place during the 6th European Sociological Association Conference of Sociology in Murcia, Spain, from 25-28th of September 2003. Information about the conference The Dutch HRM Network will organize on the 7th and 8th of November 2003 in the University of Twente a conference on Human Resource Management. Information about the conference *********************************************************************** FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German ->