Dear All, Today I would like to inform you that the contributions announced in our November newsletter are now on-line. You can also look forward to the "relaunch" of the FQS site which will take place end of January 2003. And I would like to sincerely thank you for your interest & your support! The Internet made the world "smaller": our readers & authors come from more than fifty countries, from Argentine, Venezuela, and other Latin American countries, from Canada & the U.S.A., from European and African countries, from Australia, from the "Near" and from the "Far East." While working on FQS for more than three years, some became friends. Wishing you all a good and foremost a peaceful 2003! Katja Mruck *********************************************************************** FQS 3(4) SPECIAL ISSUE: FQS REVIEWS II AUTHOR: Gonzalo Bacigalupe (USA) TITLE: Inviting Intuitive Understandings in Teaching and Professional Practices: Is Intuition Relationally and Culturally Neutral? Review Essay, Terry Atkinson & Guy Claxton (Eds.) (2000). The Intuitive Practitioner: On the Value of Not Always Knowing What One Is Doing URL: AUTHOR: Hernán Chaparro (Peru) TITLE: Review Note: Noelie Rodríguez & Alan Ryave (2002). Systematic Self-Observation URL: AUTHOR: Henning Salling Olesen (Denmark) (USA) TITLE: Review Note: Norman K. Denzin: Interpretive Interactionism (2nd edition) URL: --- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German ->