Dear All, In January 2003, we are planning a special issue of FQS that concentrates on "Qualitative Research in Sport Sciences." With this announcement we are inviting papers for submission. The issue should -- provide an overview on various research approaches in different sport science disciplines and areas of work; -- introduce a range of empirical projects that draw upon different theoretical backgrounds (e.g. basic cognition psychological, knowledge sociological, social psychological assumptions), utilize different data collection techniques, and call upon different evaluation procedures; -- give insights into chosen topics and problems in the context of research. We hope to receive contributions that make a case for the acceptance of a range of qualitative research approaches within the sport sciences, as well as papers that report the findings from specific studies that illustrate methodological issues and the complexities of engaging in field research. ABSTRACTS (200-300 words) for the special issue should be sent BY JUNE 1, 2002, via e-mail to one of the following editors: Andrew Sparkes: Reinhard Stelter: Ina Hunger: Editorial decisions regarding abstracts will be made by June 15, 2002. The acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee acceptance of the paper which will be judged accordingly. THE FINAL PAPER SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY SEPTEMBER 1, 2002. The articles should either be written in German or English, preferable in both languages. Regarding citation forms and modalities please check the Publication Guidelines at All the best, Katja Mruck Main Editor FQS -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: