Dear All, The 8th issue of the online journal FQS -- "Using Technology in the Qualitative Research Process" -- is now available at In addition to the articles, linked directly to the topic, you will also find selected single contributions, review essays and review notes. Enjoy reading, and we are looking forward to your response: all kinds of critique, comments, suggestions and support are warmly welcomed! Katja Mruck *********************************************************************** A) FQS 3(2) USING TECHNOLOGY IN THE QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PROCESS Edited by Graham R. Gibbs, Susanne Friese & Wilma C. Mangabeira The following contributions are available online: F Full text, A Abstract E English, F French, G German, S Spanish Graham R. Gibbs, Susanne Friese & Wilma C. Mangabeira: The Use of New Technology in Qualitative Research. Introduction to Issue 3(2) of FQS (FE, AG, AS) [The German full text will be available in June] Roberta Bampton & Christopher J. Cowton (UK): The E-Interview (FE, AG, AS) Sharon A. Bong (UK): Debunking Myths in Qualitative Data Analysis (FE, AG, AS) Sylvain Bourdon (Canada): The Integration of Qualitative Data Analysis Software in Research Strategies: Resistances and Possibilities (FE, AG, AS) David Brown (UK): Going Digital and Staying Qualitative: Some Alternative Strategies for Digitizing the Qualitative Research Process (FE, AG, AS) Patrick Carmichael (UK): Extensible Markup Language and Qualitative Data Analysis (AE, AG, AS) [The English full text will be available in June] Diógenes Carvajal (Columbia): The Artisan's Tools. Critical Issues when Teaching and Learning CAQDAS (FE, FS, AG) Bibi Holge-Hazelton (Denmark): The Internet: A New Field for Qualitative Inquiry? (FE, AG, AS) Thomas Irion (Germany): Collection, Presentation and Analysis of Multimedia Data with Computers (FG, AE, AS) Anne Marie Kanstrup (Denmark): Picture the Practice-Using Photography to Explore Use of Technology Within Teachers' Work Practices (FE, AG, AS) Sabine C. Koch & Joerg Zumbach (Germany): The Use of Video Analysis Software in Behavior Observation Research: Interaction Patterns in Task-oriented Small Groups (FE, AG, AS) Marc Koerschen, Jessica Pohl, H. Walter Schmitz & Olaf A. Schulte (Germany): New Techniques in Qualitative Conversation Analysis: Computer-based Transcription of Videoconferences (FG, AE, AS) Thorsten Meyer, Harald Gruppe & Michael Franz (Germany): Microsoft Access for the Analysis of Open-ended Responses in Questionnaires and Interviews (FG, AE, AS) Connie M. Moss & Gary Shank (USA): Using Qualitative Processes in Computer Technology Research on Online Learning: Lessons in Change from "Teaching as Intentional Learning" (FE, AG, AS) Bruno Nideroest (Switzerland): Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis with Word (FG, AE, AS) Kathryn A. Roberts & Richard W. Wilson (UK): ICT and the Research Process: Issues Around the Compatibility of Technology With Qualitative Data Analysis (FE, AG, AS) Cory Secrist, Ilse de Koeyer, Holly Bell, & Alan Fogel (USA): Combining Digital Video Technology and Narrative Methods for Understanding Infant Development (FE, FS, AG) Robert Thompson (Australia): Reporting the Results of Computer-assisted Analysis of Qualitative Research Data (FE, AG, AS) Elaine Welsh (UK): Dealing with Data: Using NVivo in the Qualitative Data Analysis Process (FE, AG, AS) Josef Zelger & Andreas Oberprantacher (Austria): Processing of Verbal Data and Knowledge Representation by GABEK®-WinRelan® (AE, AG, AS) [The English full text will be available in June] SINGLE CONTRIBUTION Ronald Hitzler (Germany): The Reconstruction of Meaning. The State of the Art in German Interpretive Sociology (FG, AE, AS) [pre-published: April 2002] FQS REVIEW Guenter Mey: Editorial Note: 2 Years FQS Review: 18 Publishers, 74 Reviews, 3383 Mails (FG, AE, AS) REVIEW ESSAYS Volker Barth (France, Germany): Society as a Dialectical Process - Victor Turner in Between Ndembu and Bob Dylan (FG, AE, AF, AS) [pre-published: Febr. 2002] Jaan Valsiner (USA): Ethnography Lost and Found: Qualitative Methodology Between Science, Art, and Social Powers (FE, AG, AS) [pre-published: Febr. 2002] FQS REVIEW NOTES David Howarth (2000). Discourse reviewed by John Cromby (UK) (FE, AG, AS) [pre-published: April 2002] Stefan Beck (Ed.) (2000). Technogene Naehe. Ethnographische Studien zur Mediennutzung im Alltag [Technogenetic Closeness. Ethnographic Studies on the Use of New Media in Everyday Life] reviewed by Nicola Doering (Germany) (FG, AE, AS) [pre-published: March 2002] Dorothée Ninck Gbeassor, Heidi Schaer Sall, David Signer, Daniel Stutz & Elena Wertli (1999). Ueberlebenskunst in Uebergangswelten: ethnopsychologische Betreuung von Asylsuchenden [The Art of Surviving in Transitional Worlds: Counselling for the Asylum Seekers] reviewed by Victoria Hegner (Germany) (FG, AE, AS) [pre-published: Febr. 2002] Michael Beisswenger (Ed.) (2001). Chat-Kommunikation. Sprache, Interaktion und Sozialitaet in synchroner computervermittelter Kommunikation. Perspektiven auf ein interdisziplinaeres Forschungsfeld [Chat Communication. Language, Interaction, and Sociality in Computer Mediated Communication. Perspectives on an interdisciplinary research area] reviewed by Matthias Petzold (Germany) (FG, AE, AS) [pre-published: March 2002] Thomas Bruesemeister (2000). Qualitative Forschung. Ein Ueberblick [Qualitative Research: An Overview] reviewed by Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel (Germany) (FG, AE, AS) [pre-published: March 2002] B) READERS´ REQUEST "Current research on pedagogy in higher education, especially in the education programs": C) CONFERENCES -> During September 19-21, 2002, the Swiss Sociological Association, Research Committee "Interpretive Sociology" and the European Sociological Association ESA, Research Network "Qualitative Methods" with participation of the RN "Sociology of Arts" are organizing a Conference on "Ethnographic Organizational Studies". Location: University of St. Gallen, Switzerland; Conference Language: English. Information about the conference: -> The Center for Qualitative Psychology is organizing a workshop entitled: "Qualitative Psychology: Research questions and matching methods of analysis." The conference will be held in English during October 25-27, 2002, in Perlora, Spain. Information about the workshop: -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) English -> German ->