Dear All, I would like to inform you that FQS 4(2) -- Subjectivity and Reflexivity in Qualitative Research II -- is available at (see for Part I). Authors from various disciplines and nations joined this adventure and gave insights from their practices and knowledge, and we hope that the most extensive collection on subjectivity and reflexivity in qualitative research thus far will promote further understanding and initiate discussions! In the current issue, in addition to articles, linked directly to the topic, you will also find selected single contributions and review essays and notes, additionally contributions, belonging to the FQS debates on "Quality of Qualitative Research" & on "Doing Successful Research in the Social Sciences--Ethnography of the Career Politics of an Occupational Group;" finally some articles, which had been published in former special issues & now available in additional languages. All contributions are listed below. Enjoy reading, and as always, any suggestions and feedback are warmly welcome! Katja Mruck *********************************************************************** A) FQS 4(2) -- SUBJECTIVITY AND REFLEXIVITY IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH II Edited by Wolff-Michael Roth, Franz Breuer & Katja Mruck Katja Mruck & Franz Breuer: Subjectivity and Reflexivity in Qualitative Research -- The FQS Issues Wolff-Michael Roth & Franz Breuer: Reflexivity and Subjectivity: A Possible Road Map for Reading the Special Issues Franz Breuer & Wolff-Michael Roth: Subjectivity and Reflexivity in the Social Sciences: Epistemic Windows and Methodical Consequences Bruce Bolam, Kate Gleeson & Simon Murphy (UK): "Lay Person" or "Health Expert"? Exploring Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Reflexivity in Qualitative Health Research Gert Dressel & Nikola Langreiter (Austria): When "We Ourselves" Become Our Own Field of Research Carolyn Ellis (USA): Grave Tending: With Mom at the Cemetery Wolfgang Fichten & Birgit Dreier (Germany): Triangulation of Subjectivity Mary Hanrahan (Australia): Challenging the Dualistic Assumptions of Academic Writing: Representing Ph.D. Research as Embodied Practice Silvia Heizmann (Switzerland): "Because of You I Am an Invalid!"-Some Methodological Reflections About the Limitations of Collecting and Interpreting Verbal Data and the Attempt to Win New Insights by Applying the Epistemological Potential of Ethnopsychoanalytical Concepts Olaf Jensen & Harald Welzer (Germany): One Thing Leads to Another or: Self-Reflexivity as Method Helen Kay, Viviene Cree, Kay Tisdall & Jennifer Wallace (Guyana, Scotland, UK): At the Edge: Negotiating Boundaries in Research with Children and Young People Ernst Langthaler (Austria): (Hi)stories on (Hi)stories. Historical-Anthropological Fieldwork as Reflexive Process Stuart Lee & Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): Becoming and Belonging: Learning Qualitative Research Through Legitimate Peripheral Participation Stephan Marks & Heidi Moennich-Marks (Germany): The Analysis of Counter-Transference Reactions Is a Means to Discern Interview-Contents Judith McMorland, Brigid Carroll, Susan Copas & Judith Pringle (New Zealand): Enhancing the Practice of PhD Supervisory Relationships Through First- And Second-Person Action Research/Peer Partnership Inquiry Harriet W. Meek (USA): The Place of the Unconscious in Qualitative Research Chaim Noy (Israel): The Write of Passage: Reflections on Writing a Dissertation in Narrative Methodology Sarah Riley, Wendy Schouten & Sharon Cahill (UK): Exploring the Dynamics of Subjectivity and Power Between Researcher and Researched Rudolf Schmitt (Germany): The Interaction between Research Method and Subjective Competence in Systematic Metaphor Analysis Maria de Fátima de A. Silveira, Dulce Maria Rosa Gualda, Vera Sobral, & Ademilda Maria de S. Garcia (Brazil): Workshops of Sensitivity, Expressiveness and Creativity: A Path to Integrate Subjectivity and Reflection in Qualitative Research Tilo Weber (Germany): There Is No Objective Subjectivity in the Study of Social Interaction ***** SINGLE CONTRIBUTIONS Nicole Capezza (USA): The Cultural-Psychological Foundations for Violence and Nonviolence. An Empirical Study Monica Colombo (Italy): Reflexivity and Narratives in Action Research: A Discursive Approach Marisela Hernández (Venezuela): Recovering the Objects: Towards a "Tasty" Research Helmar Schoene (Germany): Participant Observation in Political Science: Methodological Reflection and Field Report ***** FQS DEBATE "QUALITY OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH" Franz Breuer: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Positions and Position Changes in Psychology. A Comment on Texts by Jochen Fahrenberg and Juergen Rost Jochen Fahrenberg (Germany): Interpretation in Psychology and Social Science-New Approach or a Neglected Tradition? Juergen Rost (Germany): Zeitgeist and Fashions in the Analysis of Empirical Data ***** FQS DEBATE "DOING SUCCESSFUL RESEARCH IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES-ETHNOGRAPHY OF THE CAREER POLITICS OF AN OCCUPATIONAL GROUP" Franz Breuer, Jo Reichertz & Wolff-Michael Roth: Taboos of Thematization and Gate Keeping in the Social Sciences: Moderators' Comments Angelika Birck (Germany): Laura's Doctorate Guenter Burkart (Germany): On Taboos of Thematizing and the Impossibility of Doing a Sociology of Sociology ***** FQS REVIEW Valerie Malhotra Bentz (USA): Review Note: Arthur P. Bochner & Carolyn Ellis (Eds.) (2002). Ethnographically Speaking: Autoethnography, Literature and Aesthetics Michael B. Buchholz (Germany): Review Note: Klaus Antons, Andreas Amann, Gisela Clausen, Oliver Koenig & Karl Schattenhofer (2001). Gruppenprozesse verstehen. Gruppendynamische Forschung und Praxis [Understanding Group Processes. Group Dynamics-Research and Practice] Thomas Doebler (Germany): Review Note: Edmund Ballhaus (Ed.) (2001). Kulturwissenschaft, Film und Oeffentlichkeit [Cultural Science, Film, and Public] Susanne Friese (Germany): Review Note: Andreas Wernet (2000). Einfuehrung in die Interpretationstechnik der Objektiven Hermeneutik [Introduction to Interpretation Techniques of Objective Hermeneutics] Ralf Ottermann (Germany): What is the Sociology of Crime? Disciplinary Conspicuousnesses and Qualitative Links. Review Essay: Stefanie Eifler (2002). Kriminalsoziologie [Sociology of Crime] Carl Ratner (USA): Reply to Wolff-Michael Roth's Review Essay Culture and Identity, published in FQS 4(1) Dietmar Rost (Germany): Inside the Ghost Train of Collective Identity. Lutz Niethammer's Criticism of the Concept's Boom. Review Essay: Lutz Niethammer (2000). Kollektive Identitaet. Heimliche Quellen einer unheimlichen Konjunktur [Collective Identity. Clandestine Sources of an Eerie Boom] Wolff-Michael Roth (Canada): The Dialectic of the General and Particular in Social Science Research and Teaching Praxis. Review Essay: Carol R. Ember & Melvin Ember (2001). Cross-Cultural Research Methods Wilhelm Schwendemann (Germany): Review Note: Harald Welzer (Ed.) (1999). Auf den Truemmern der Geschichte: Gespraeche mit Raul Hilberg, Hans Mommsen und Zygmunt Bauman [On the Ruins of History: Discourses with Raul Hilberg, Hans Mommsen and Zygmunt Bauman] Achim Seiffarth (Italy): Qualitative Research for the Education of Mankind. Review Essay: Andreas Mueller-Hartmann & Marita Schocker-v.Ditfurth (Eds.) (2001). Qualitative Forschung im Bereich Fremdsprachen lehren und lernen [Qualitative Research in Foreign Language Teaching and Learning] Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel (Germany): Review Note: Beate Krais & Gunter Gebauer (2002). Habitus Peter Stegmaier (Germany): Review Note: Thomas Samuel Eberle (2000). Lebensweltanalyse und Handlungstheorie. Beitraege zur Verstehenden Soziologie [Life-world Analysis and Action Theory. Contributions to Interpretative Sociology] Benjamin Stingl (Germany): Youth-Youth Culture-Techno. Review Essay: Ronald Hitzler & Michaela Pfadenhauer (Eds.) (2001). Techno-Soziologie: Erkundungen einer Jugendkultur [Techno-Sociology: Exploration of a Youth Culture] Tilmann Walter (Germany): Review Note: kea. Zeitschrift fuer Kulturwissenschaften [kea. Journal for Cultural Sciences] (2001), Ausgabe 14: Heteronormativitaet [Heteronormativity Till Westermayer (Germany): Review Note: Peter Berger (2001). Computer und Weltbild. Habitualisierte Konzepte von der Welt der Computer [Computer and Worldview. Habitualized Concepts of the World of Computers] B) ARTICLES, PUBLISHED IN FORMER SPECIAL ISSUES & NOW AVAILABLE IN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGES Iris Rittenhofer (Denmark): Aftermath. A Scientist's Narratives on Self and Presence. Full text also available in the English language, see Leo Guertler (Germany): Nota: Terceras Jornadas "Psicología Cualitativa: Problemas de Investigación y Métodos Apropiados de Análisis." Full text also available in the Spanish language, see Eva Svederberg (Sweden): For the article "Consumers' Views Regarding Health Claims on Food Packages. Contextual Analysis by Means of Computer Support" (, published in FQS 3(1), more detailed results are available at Lund University: (PDF-Datei, 213 Kb) ********************** C) Visit for WORKSHOP AND CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS. -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) Deutsch -> English -> Espanol -> Please sign the Budapest Open Access Initiative: