Dear All, I would like to inform you that the following texts had been published in June. You may also take a look at for the coming issue. For further information about FQS please visit Enjoy reading! Katja Mruck *********************************************** PUBLISHED IN JUNE 2003 A) SINGLE CONTRIBUTIONS Nicola Doering & Christine Dietmar (Germany): Mediated Communication in Couple Relationships: Approaches for Theoretical Modeling and Initial Qualitative Findings Brigitte Smit (South Africa): Can Qualitative Research Inform Policy Implementation? Evidence and Arguments from a Developing Country Context B) FQS REVIEW Rainer Diaz-Bone (Germany): Developments in the Field of the Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. Collective Review: Glyn Williams (1999). French discourse analysis. The method of post-structuralism; Johannes Angermueller, Katharina Bunzmann & Martin Nonhoff (Eds.) (2001). Diskursanalyse. Theorien, Methoden, Anwendungen [Discourse Analysis: Theories, Methods and Applications]; Reiner Keller, Andreas Hirseland, Werner Schneider & Willy Viehoefer (Eds.) (2001). Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Diskursanalyse. Band 1: Theorien und Methoden [Handbook of Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences, Vol. 1: Theories and Methods]; Patrick Charaudeau & Dominique Maingueneau (Eds.) (2002). Dictionaire d'analyse du discours [Dictionary of Discourse Analysis]; Reiner Keller (2003). Diskursforschung. Eine Einfuehrung fuer SozialwissenschaftlerInnen [Discourse Research. An Introduction for Social Scientists] Andreas Klaerner (Germany): Review Note, Wolfgang Frindte & Joerg Neumann (Eds.) (2002). Fremdenfeindliche Gewalttaeter. Biografien und Tatverlaeufe [Xenophobic Perpetrators. Biographies and Crimes] Matthias Otten (Germany): Review Note, Helga Kotthoff (Ed.) (2002). Kultur(en) im Gespraech [Culture(s) in Conversation] Meike Schwabe (Germany): Review Note, Gabriele Lucius-Hoene & Arnulf Deppermann (2002). Rekonstruktion narrativer Identitaet. Ein Arbeitsbuch zur Analyse narrativer Interviews [The Reconstruction of Narrative Identity. A Guide to the Analysis of Narrative Interviews] C) Please visit also the CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS: -- FQS - Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research (ISSN 1438-5627) Deutsch -> English -> Espanol ->