Liebe Liste, Herrn Meiers springender Punkt scheint sich m.E. weniger auf den (sehr empfehlenswerten!) Service Dissemin zu beziehen, als auf die
Frage, die auch der Open Access Button aufwirft: Wie geht man damit um, dass AutorInnen von Anfragen zur Zweitveröffentlichung „überrollt“ werden und leisten solche Anfragen evtl. der Sache Open Access einen Bärendienst? Diesbzgl. Erfahrungen würde auch mich interessieren. Viele Grüße, Gerald Langhanke Dipl.-Phys. Gerald Langhanke Referent für Forschungsdaten und elektronisches Publizieren Fachreferent für Maschinenbau, Leiter der Sacherschließung Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt Tel +49 6151 16-76417 oder -76354 ULB Lichtwiese (im Hörsaal- und Medienzentrum) Gebäude L4|02, Raum 103 Franziska-Braun-Straße 10 64287 Darmstadt Von: []
Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
as a volunteer Wikipedia editor, I found your
sensitive and easy-to-use SQUID sensors However, I did not easily find a copy that I could access and share. I need an open access copy to be able to discuss it with fellow editors and make sure the Wikipedia article provides an accurate and neutral overview under a free license for everybody to use.
We also want every user who reads Wikipedia to be able to verify its content by consulting its primary sources. (See the
On Dissemin you can also click your name from the work's page or
your name to find all your known works which are already available or could be made available. Dissemin will ask you to login via ORCID: you may already have an ORCID account from your
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your archived version. They may also be able to help you archive your works if you are not able to do it yourself.
Finally, for more information on Open Access, we recommend the SPARC Open Access website and
Suber's how-to at Harvard.
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useful, please forward to all your co-authors and colleagues. Kind regards,
Federico Leva P.s.: This message is sent to your address as relevant feedback about the publication which provided it. Dissemin is run by the independent CAPSH association in France.
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