Subject: [IP-OA_Forum] Plan S - Coalition S lockert vorerst die Anforderungen für OA-Veröffentlichungen
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remain over European open-access proposal Leaders of physics
societies are among the stakeholders who worry that a delayed implementation
and other changes to Plan S are insufficient."
Hier die Kernbotschaft:
S—which currently includes the Italian National Institute for Nuclear
Physics, the UK’s Wellcome Trust, and the US’s Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation—accepted some of those suggestions in its recently revised
plan. The agencies pushed the implementation date of Plan S forward to
1 January 2021, giving publishers an extra year to make sure their journals
comply. And researchers will be allowed to publish in at least some hybrid
OA journals; through 2024, Coalition S agencies will cover the cost of
authors publishing in hybrid OA journals that are deemed “transformative”—working
toward fully open access. "
Es wird also nicht
so heiß gegessen, wie gekocht wird :-)
Joachim Meier
Dr.-Ing. Joachim E. Meier
Referatsleiter Q.11, Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) (
PF 3345 Tel. +49-531-592-8110
38023 Braunschweig Fax. +49-531-592-8137