Liebe Kolleg*innen, Morgen startet das FIT4RRI virtual final summit, die virtuelle Abschlusskonferenz des EU-geförderten Projektes FIT4RRI. Die Vor-Ort-Konferenz, die im März in Rom statt finden sollte,
musste leider aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie abgesagt werden. Kurzentschlossene können sich noch (kostenlos) registrieren. Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie in der unten stehenden E-Mail. Herzliche Grüße, Maxie Gottschling -- Maxie Gottschling Gruppe Elektronisches Publizieren Gruppe Software- und Serviceentwicklung Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek
D-37070 Göttingen Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1 (Zentralbibliothek, Raum 2.39) +49 551 39-22667 (Tel.) +49 551 39-5222 (Fax) Von: "" <> im Auftrag von Rafael Maria Raschkowski <> Please share this among your networks and sorry for double posting.
Dear friends of Responsible Research & Innovation,
We are glad to invite you to our virtual final summit #RRI4real which will happen each forenoon from 29. September to 1. October. Have a look at the agenda at Due to the CoViD-19 pandemic we took the decision to move the summit from Rome into a realm where SARS-CoV-2 can't reach us -
the Internet.
About this Event
The FIT4RRI consortium is organising its final summit “#RRI4real” marking the end of our three-year project. FIT4RRI brought together
experts from nine European countries, who analysed and tested how to foster the real uptake of Responsible Research & Innovation and Open Science. The summit starts a new collaborative
phase of shaping the future of open science and society relations.
Many delegates will come together in this virtual summit to exchange experiences and tools to support responsible and open institutional change. We look forward to enriching our project’s outcomes with different perspectives and your expertise.
Through interactive formats participants will connect to various stakeholders and experience and discover good practices and strategies for RRI and Open Science. We welcome all interested parties: representatives from related projects, librarians, researchers,
EC policy makers, civil society representatives and organisations, industry & business and education community.
The registration is open. If you are interested in participating our virtual final summit we are glad to welcome you online!
Join the virtual and final FIT4RRI summit - #RRI4real! -- |
Description: Invitation-to-RRI4real.pdf