Von: Office NAP <office@nap-uni-bonn.de>
Dear colleagues, friends, and students,
we are inviting you cordially to the next event in our Lecture Series "Current Issues in North American and Cultural Studies" of the North American Studies Program
during the summer term 2022.
Tuesday, 14 June 2022, 6:00 c.t.-8:00 pm, we will welcome PD Dr. Birte Christ from the University of Giessen for her lecture on
“Black Film, White Faces: Hollywood's Take on the Death Penalty, 1951-1968.” For more information about the speaker and her talk, please consult the attached flyer.
As all events this summer, this lecture is co-organized with and generously supported by the Amerika Haus NRW e.V.; our gratitude goes to its
director, Dr. Benjamin Becker, and his team. We thank you for your interest and look forward to seeing you at the
IAAK (room A) on 14 June! With kind regards,
Sabine Sielke
---- Prof. Dr. Sabine Sielke
Director, North American Studies Program and German-Canadian Centre
Mentor, Foundation of German Business (SDW) |
Vertrauensdozentin, Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (SDW)
North American Studies Program
Department of English, American, and Celtic Studies | University of Bonn
Regina-Pacis-Weg 5 | 53113 Bonn | Germany
Phone +49 228 731836 | Fax +49 228 739674
http://www.nas.uni-bonn.de/ http://www.nostalgie-uni-bonn.de/ |
Description: Lecture_Christ_6.14.22.pdf