Liebe Studierende, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freund*innen der Abteilung, sehr herzlich dürfen wir im morgen stattfindenden Kolloquium zur Kunst Afrikas Allenby Augustin, Executive Director Le Centre D’Art Haiti, begrüßen. Wir laden Sie wieder sehr herzlich zu Vortrag und anschließender Diskussion – diesmal in digitaler Form – ein. Interessierte Gäste sind sehr herzlich willkommen! ALLENBY AUGUSTIN Against Invisibility in the Art World in Haiti: Initiatives that bring hope since the creation of the Centre d’Art of Port-au-Prince in 1944 until today Zeit: 18 Uhr c.t., Dienstag, 15. November 2022 Ort: ONLINE, In 1944, Le Center d'Art de Port-au-Prince was created at the instigation of Dewiitt Peters, an American watercolourist and Haitian intellectuals like Maurice Borno, Albert Mangonès, Geo Remponeau, Jean Chenet or Gerald Bloncourt. The creation of this institution with the mission to promote Haitian art and facilitates Haitian artistic creation, to bring to the emergence of Haitian art in the world and has allowed the recognition at the international level of Haitian artist such as Hector Hyppolite, Philome Obin. Since then, initiatives from artists and groups of artists, communities of artists and artistic movements have been created to facilitate the recognition of certain haitian artists and, moreover, facilitate the dissemination of their works both in Haiti. and elsewhere. Do these past and present initiatives allow the emergence and promotion of Haitian art in the world, notoriety and a stable Haitian art market? [cid:image003.jpg@01D8F80C.1A2D9300] Dubréus Lhérisson, Ogou Shango, 2020. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Celia Schmidt im Namen der gesamten Abteilung Freie Universität Berlin FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Kunsthistorisches Institut Abteilung Kunst Afrikas Sekretariat: Celia Schmidt, M.A. Koserstr. 20 (A 3.08), 14195 Berlin Telefon: +49-(0)30-838-55286, Fax: +49-(0)30-838-4-55286<>