Liebe Studierende, liebe Kunst Afrikas-Interessierte, im Rahmen des Kolloquiums zur Kunst Afrikas, laden wir Sie sehr herzlich am kommenden Dienstag zum kommenden Vortrag mit anschließender Diskussion in diesem Wintersemester ein. Der Vortrag von Duane Jethro von der Universität Kapstadt findet ONLINE VIA WEBEX statt. Duane Jethro: Material Religion and Contemporary African Art Zeit: Dienstag, den 05. November, 2024, 16 Uhr c.t. Ort: Online via Webex In this talk Duane Jethro explores dynamics of materialising African religion in contemporary art settings. Drawing on examples from Documenta in Kassel and the Zeitz MOCAA in Cape Town, Jethro sketchs a material religion approach to interpreting the curation and display of African religion in contemporary art settings and discuss its significance for the study of religion and art today. Duane Jethro is a Lecturer in the Department of African Studies and Linguistics at the University of Cape Town. He specialises in the analysis of the cultural construction of heritage, contested public cultures and material religion. He is an editor of the journal Material Religion and serves on the editorial board of the journal Museums and Social Issues. His book Heritage Formation and the Senses in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Aesthetics of Power is published by Bloomsbury Academic. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ferdinand de Jong, Anna Helfer, Elena Setzer und Celia Schmidt Freie Universität Berlin FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften Kunsthistorisches Institut Abteilung Kunst Afrikas Koserstr. 20 (A 1.92-1.94), 14195 Berlin Telefon: +49-(0)30-838-55286, Fax: +49-(0)30-838-4-55286<>