On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 08:33:19PM +0100, Adrian Glaubitz wrote: > > If you have any comments or further ideas for this GSoC project, > please don't hesitate to make suggestions. I just found this link: <http://socghop.appspot.com/document/show/program/google/gsoc2009/orgcriteria> We should work on our ideas page with the help of this list. Especially, we should collect more ideas what people can do and what skills they will need. Also, I will create an application template like this one: <http://dev.ryzom.com/wiki/nel/GSoC2010ApplicationTemplate> I asked one guy from this project and he will be happy to allow us to use it as a template for our application template. GSoC is really a big chance for our project, so please guys put all your efforts to help and collect ideas to improve our application! Adrian