>Betreff : [linux-minidisc] Sonicstage will only convert select uploaded files to wav >Gesendet: 16.03.2010 18:17:20 >An : "linux-minidisc@lists.fu-berlin.de" >Von: "Jan Olav Stangeland <list@ramson.org>" >----- Originale Nachricht ----- >Hello, >after uploading unprotected Hi-LP and Hi-SP tracks (Atrac3plus) with >MZ-RH1 and importing them into SonicStage, some of the tracks are marked >by SonicStage as nontransferable. The tracks marked as nontransferable >play just fine, but cannot be converted to wav. >The strange think is that only some of the tracks are marked as >nontransferable, while others are not. So far, I have not been able to >identify any differences that can explain why some tracks are marked as >nontransferable, while others are not. >Is this a known problem? >Jan Olav Hi Jan, is it possible that the tracks that you can convert/transfer are already imported from MD by SonicStage in the past? SonicStage uses DRM on all atrac files and stores the information in a procfile, but only when the track is imported from MD/HiMD with SonicStage.. When you import .oma files SonicStage searches for the procfile and reads the information (such as playback restrictions e.g). The tracks can be identified by their individual content ID. If the procfile does not exist SonicStage will deny transfer/convertion but it can play the track because it is completely unencrypted. The procfiles will not be deleted even if you delete the track from your music library in SonicStage. If you want to convert oma files to wav you can use MarCNet´s HiMD Renderer instead. Thomas Arp