On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 07:10:26PM +0200, manner.moe@gmx.de wrote: > You can find shared_lib_patch_incomplete.diff in misc subdirectory, so I think > there is no reason for the cdrkit developers to disable building and > installing > of shared libs. It is just not successfully implemeted jet. Interesting, I didn't see that before. But, doesn't apply here properly. Seems the patch is a bit older and I will need to adapt it to the current version. > I haven?t tried this patch because i am not familar with the cmake stuff and > maybe this may not work with already patched version to build with MinGW. > But I?ll take a look on it. Can you post your patch again? What did you change to get the shared libraries working? In any case it would be best to get the patch into a proper shape so that the shared libraries work nicely on all platforms. @Michael: If you have some time, would you mind checking the patch that Thomas mentions here as well? I guess that six eyes will see more than four eyes here ;). Adrian