Am Dienstag, den 04.05.2010, 19:38 +0200 schrieb Adrian Glaubitz: > Can you post your patch again? What did you change to get the shared > libraries working? I'm wondering whether making a shared library out of libusal is a good idea at the time being. Making a shared library is kind-of a promise you won't break ABI. So this definitely would need to be coordinated with the maintainers of cdrkit (supposing that it is actively maintained - I didn't check). At least at the moment where we need to patch libusal to get it do what we want, we are in no position enforce the world to use our version of it. On the other hand, having a SCSI abstraction layer available under a sensible license for use by open source projects is really a good idea. I would suggest to build a static library first and even start having it integrated in the linux-minidisc project (just as we handle libhimd). I hope we can get upstream interested in shipping static libraries and their development headers (static libraries only need API stability which is not that much a burden as ABI stability). As soon as upstream distributes a working static library (only a -dev package in debian speech), we can start using that, and if they decide to ship a shared library, it's also no problem for us to switch over using the shared library. Still it should be upstreams' choice what dll is distributed as libusal.dll, libusal0.dll or libusal-0.dll, as the DLL Hell situation on Windows XP makes it impossible (I think, the new side-by-side assembly stuff probably changed the situation) to have to different versions of libusal.dll loaded at the same time - int different(!) programs, I mean! > If you have some time, would you mind checking the patch that Thomas > mentions here as well? I guess that six eyes will see more than four > eyes here ;). OK, will do so. Regards, Michael Karcher