Well, when I said "fake sp in Sonicstage" I was meaning to that trouble: If you use Sonicstage you never get same quality than when you record using a digital output (a DVD player, for instance). So yes, I was meaning pc sending a song that first convert to LP and then transcode to PCM, then MD again encodes it to SP, and was hoping your software could send PCM to MD without that intermediate conversion in order to get a "good SP" (that is encoded by the MD machine, of course). My fault for not explaining me well. So many years talking about this problem in forums that I have get bad habits calling it "fake sp" :) And you says your software do that, so...CHEERS!!! :) That drives me to another question: is this available in present version of QHiMD transfer, so I can just download it and use it this way? (note: I have lots of blank media waiting to do this :p ). And I know you can't record on sp in a HI-MD disk. I was meaning to record sp tracks into a "normal disk" (not a iMD one) on a Hi-MD machine with NetMD mode. For example, you can tweak RH10 into service mode to enable sp recording (although you lost some other options by doing this) and I can recall there were other models you can do the same with. My question was about if there will be any trouble recording SP with such machines, since I know they're are some actions restricted by hardware to some units (RH1, for example, can do things other HiMD units can't). I supposed as far as your machine can record sp, you can use your software to do so, since sp encoding is doing by the unit, but maybe there is any problem I ain't conscious of (although I hope no :D ) Thanks. El 20/06/2013, a las 01:54, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de> escribió: > On 06/20/2013 12:21 AM, Taliesin Bardolobo wrote: >>> Do you mean we will get true SP transfers by USB or have understood it >>> wrong way? And if so, would this work only in HiMD or also in NetMD? >>> This would be fantaaaastic :D > > I think you are still missing the point. It was *always* possible to > write true ATRAC SP tracks through NetMD onto a MiniDisc and never > possible using a HiMD: > > NetMD players fully support ATRAC-SP to be backwards compatible with > classic MiniDisc players and recorders as these support ATRAC-SP only. > > What actually happens is that the PC sends the NetMD device a PCM stream > which is encoded by the NetMD device into ATRAC-SP on the fly, there > is no ATRAC-SP encoder available in SonicStage, as far as I know. > > However, since Sony does not grant you the ATRAC-SP quality when > transferring audio data to NetMD, they first transcode even lossless > audio formats into ATRAC-LP, then into PCM which is finally sent to > the NetMD device where it is encoded *by the device* into ATRAC-SP. > > Again, if you want your NetMD recording to be playable on a classic > MiniDisc device, the tracks have to be ATRAC-SP. Sony just artificially > deteriorates the audio quality on purpose. > > Therefore, the only thing the computer has to get proper ATRAC-SP > recordings is not to mess up with the audio quality in the first > place and send lossless audio directly encoded as lossless PCM > to the NetMD device and have the device encode the stream into > ATRAC-SP. And we already do that with our software. It would actually > more difficult and tedious to do it the way SonicStage does as > there is no free ATRAC-LP encoder that I know of. > > As for HiMD: HiMD never supported ATRAC-SP. HiMD devices (in HiMD > mode) support ATRAC3+ with different quality settings as well as > uncompressed PCM audio. > > Cheers, > > Adrian > > -- > .''`. John Paul Adrian Glaubitz > : :' : Debian Developer - glaubitz@debian.org > `. `' Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaubitz@physik.fu-berlin.de > `- GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546 0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913