Hi all, last thing you heard (in January) was that the public funding proposal failed and that I was going to talk to some publishers at the Academic Publishing Europe conference about possible community funding https://lists.fu-berlin.de/pipermail/rqc-interest/2014/msg00000.html Well, I did. - The reactions to RQC were all positive. Everybody felt that RQC is something that ought to exist. The willingness to fund the RQC creation project, however, was not so high. - I was pointed to Fred Dylla and the STM association as an organization that might be willing to fund it instead or help find other solutions. - I wrote a short proposal to him, but the required project volume was far larger than what they would usually do. - In the meantime, Elsevier approached me and asked whether I would join their own reviewer incentives initiative. This grew out of the winning entry of their 2012 Peer Review Challenge contest http://www.peerreviewfuture.com/?page_id=242 It is currently oriented towards quantifying only the amount of reviewing, not the quality, but is interested in becoming quality-oriented as well, possibly picking up some of the RQC ideas. This is under discussion. - Fred Dylla also suggested to perhaps apply for funding from the EU for a consortium project. I will investigate this possibility in the coming weeks. If you (publisher or research institution) are or might be interested in joining such a consortium, please send me a note! That's it for today. Questions and feedback are highly appreciated. With kind regards, Lutz Prechelt Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt; prechelt@inf.fu-berlin.de Institut f. Informatik; Freie Universitaet Berlin Takustr. 9, R.014; 14195 Berlin; Germany +49 30 838 75115; http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/w/SE/