In the last update (March 25), you read that I wanted to look for possible EU project calls related to RQC. When I did, I found one promptly: "e-Infrastructure for Open Access" The call mentioned "new forms of peer review" as one of the work areas, so RQC ought to fit in as one element of a larger project. Unfortunately, the closing date of that call was April 15, so I started a frantic search for a consortium applying for that call. With the help of some of you I indeed found such a consortium. However, although they showed a somewhat positive attitude towards the RQC idea, it was simply too late to fit it in. We'll keep in contact, though. As for the Elsevier initiative: They are going to visit me in Berlin at the end of May to talk about it in more detail and get to know each other personally. In the coming weeks, I'll also be looking for further EU funding opportunities in other directions (biomedical realm) and possibly also talk to the German science funding agency DFG. That's it for today. As usual, questions and feedback are highly appreciated. With kind regards, Lutz Prechelt Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt; Institut f. Informatik; Freie Universitaet Berlin Takustr. 9, R.014; 14195 Berlin; Germany +49 30 838 75115;