In the last update you read that I was slightly too late to get into the consortium for a EU project call that fit well with RQCs goals. I wanted to look for other funding opportunities next. The second stream of activity was getting acquainted with people from Elsevier starting a related initiative. Well, the search for alternative funding sources has not come up with much, so I was starting to be less optimistic about finding funding for the RQC project myself. The meeting with the Elsevier people, however, was positive: In 2012, Elsevier ran a contest, the Peer Review Challenge [1] to collect ideas for improving the peer review system. The first-ranked entry [2] was Simon Gosling's "Reviewer Badges and Rewards scheme" [3] which proposes to publicly recognize reviewers for the quantity of their reviewing. To implement this idea, Elsevier has recently started a "Reviewer Recognition Program" (RRP). We have now agreed that I will work with them to help extend the RRP to also pick up quality evaluation ideas from RQC. Elsevier is initially implementing the RRP in a pilot form with only a few journals and intends to then roll it out more broadly: first across the Elsevier universe and then across the whole publishing industry (as a free service). I will keep you posted. [1] [2] [3] Lutz Prechelt Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt; Institut f. Informatik; Freie Universitaet Berlin Takustr. 9, R.014; 14195 Berlin; Germany +49 30 838 75115;