Dear all, In the previous update [1], I told you that I have now started working on the implementation of RQCconf [2] seriously. What's new? I am becoming more and more productive. Still many things I am doing for the first time and they take long, but the fraction of things I know and can do faster is climbing steadily. Today I achieved the first spike solution: The implementation of all of the core functions of the RQC software. Yeah! It can now: - Configure a conference-RQC - Read a review quality definition from an RTF file (a very nice solution) - Present and evaluate a review grading questionnaire according to the review quality definition - Compute a reviewer ranking - Produce PDF reviewing receipts If this sounds like "almost done": No, there are far more missing pieces than existing pieces, but still it feels good. I expect to put RQCconf to production in the first half of the year. If have updated the implementation status list and it now looks as shown in [3]. Please tell me if you know anybody else who may like to be on this mailing list [L]. Lutz [1] [2] [3] [L] (you can subscribe here)