Dear all, In the previous update [1], I told you that that, despite the fact that all core functions were then implemented in the upcoming Review Quality Collector for conferences system, even more pieces were yet missing. What's new? If you interpreted the fact that you have not heard from me since April as "nothing much happening": The opposite is true. I have been working on so many things at once that there were no obvious milestones to report. That is changing now. The functions needed for an initial launch of the RQC portal are essentially all present now, as a quick look on the implementation status page will tell you [2]. Even the deployment mechanism is more than half complete. The number of other things that remain to be done is small. Expect to be notified of possible alpha testing usage (closed group, mailing list members only) within the next two weeks. I currently plan to launch RQC for conferences on September 1. Please tell me if you know anybody else who may like to be on this mailing list [L]. Lutz [1] [2] [L] (you can subscribe here)