Dear all, it's been a long time! The last thing you heard was that RQC stage 1 (for conferences) had now gone online. That was in September. I have been working on marketing it since and it's going more slowly than I had expected. That is because of the yearly rhythm of most conferences: No matter when I come with my query, it is likely either too late for the current conference instance or too early for the next. Nevertheless, one conference has now gone through the grading, another will start in a few days, a few conferences are still thinking about picking it up and several said they will likely use it next year. So things are going slowly, but they are going. RQC is starting to take off. As usual: Please point me to anybody who should be on this mailing list. With kind regards, Lutz Prechelt Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt; Institut f. Informatik; Freie Universitaet Berlin Takustr. 9, R.014; 14195 Berlin; Germany +49 30 838 75115;