My ticket was rejected as spam so I'm posting it here:I think the difference between the end and the begin iterators of an infix in a ConcatenatorManyToOne object should equal the length. The length reports 4 which is correct. The difference does not equal 4. I'm using svn revision 10211.
{{{ #include <seqan/sequence.h> #include <stdexcept> using namespace seqan; typedef String< Dna5 > string_t; typedef StringSet< string_t > string_set_t; typedef ConcatenatorManyToOne< string_set_t > concatenator_t; typedef Infix< concatenator_t >::Type infix_t; int main( int argc, char * argv [] ) { string_set_t seqs; appendValue( seqs, string_t( "ACGT" ) ); concatenator_t concat( seqs ); infix_t in( concat, 0, 4 );if( 4 != length( in ) ) throw std::logic_error( "length() not working." ); if( difference( begin( in ), end( in ) ) != length( in ) ) throw std::logic_error( "difference() not working." );
return 0; } }}}