Hey Sam,
if you want to use scoring matrices you need to use a different specialization of our Score class. To use scoring schemes like the Pam or Blosum matrices you need to use the following code:
Score<int, ScoreMatrix<AminoAcid, Pam120_> > scorePam120(gap,
You can also use our shortcuts to make the code look nicer. You can find a list of all available shortcuts here: http://docs.seqan.de/seqan/1.4.1/SPEC_Score+_Matrix.html.
For the example above this would look like:
Pam120 scorePam120(gap, gapOpen);
I hope that will solve your problem!
Kind regards,
René Rahn
On Feb 17, 2014, at 12:32 AM, Samuel Flores <samuelfloresc@gmail.com> wrote:
Guys, --- René Rahn
Ph.D. Student
Mail: rene.rahn@fu-berlin.de
Phone: +49 (0)30 838 75 277
Algorithmic Bioinformatics (ABI)
Department of Computer Science
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustraße 9
14195 Berlin